official poster

Wayang Pacak
Join us for the first Virtual Outdoor Cinema experience called Wayang Pacak!
This is final year project organized by a group of student Bachelor Degree in Arts & Culture Management of Akademi Seni Budaya & Warisan Kebangsaan (ASWARA). This project is in collaboration with Perbadanan Kemajuan Filem Nasional (FINAS), Kumpulan Media Karangkraf,Jabatan Penerangan Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Tempatan Fest, Press Play, Achtung Coffee and Cultural Centre University of Malaya.
The intiative of this project is bring back the old-school of Wayang Pacak with theme of "60's classic vintage". Instead of travelling far from home, we're all can enjoy by watch together at home with your beloved family and friends. You'll also be watching a lot of exciting activites such as performance, informative discussion and exciting movies from great filmaker and director, Mahmat Khalid and many more through online platform and stay safe at home. Plus, you can join us for FREE.
Itinery :
Diskusi Santai (Online Chillax Discussion)
Kugiran Gitar Rancak (Performances)
Slot Informasi
Tayangan Wayang Pacak
See you at our first online screen of Wayang Pacak Cinema!
Follow us for updates or inquiries!
FB : @PetaWayangPacak, IG : @wayang.pacak, Twitter : @wayang_pacak
More event info here : https://wayangpacak2020.wixsite.com/website
Live Streaming at ASWARA Official Youtube Channel & ASWARA Official Facebook
464, Jalan Tun Ismail, Kuala Lumpur,
50480 Kuala Lumpur, WPKL